Shelby Valentine Porn Videos & Porn Titles

Standing only 4'9", blue-eyed brunette Shelby Valentine is one of the shortest porn stars who isn't an actual "little person." Oklahoma born and raised, she is a total MILF and describes herself as "bi-furious." If you don't understand what that means, then just note that the third definition of "furious" is as follows: "of unrestrained energy, speed, etc." Anyone who has seen Shelby's scene with Misty Haze (who, it pains us to report, has retired) in "Rubber Dick Duo" will agree when we say that Shelby brings unrestrained energy to the art of fucking another woman. What started out as a hobby quickly became Shelby's profession as an amateur adult model and actress. She got her start on xPeeps, where Misty Haze found her and invited her for a video shoot which led to her first ever experience with a woman and eventually her debut on "Rubber Dick Duo." In her spare time, Shelby enjoys women, the outdoors, heavy metal, Sooner football, and "good times with good people."

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Rubber Dick Duo featuring pornstar Shelby Valentine   Watch now!

Rubber Dick Duo featuring pornstar Shelby Valentine

Studio: Misty's XXX Girls

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